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97 results

Alberta Health Services South Zone is seeking a motivated, confident, hard-working and team-oriented Radiologist with additional fellowship training in Interventional Radiology for the Chinook Regional Hospital.

Interventional Radiology

MED0000US Requisition #

Alberta Health Services, Central Zone, and the Department of Cardiology at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre, invites applications for a Cardiologist to establish a full-time general practice in the community of Red Deer. The successful candidate will provide a full range of cardiovascular diagnosis, treatment plans and options, and work with other physicians with collegiality when making decisions regarding patient care. Preference will be given to those Cardiologists who have advanced...


MED000293 Requisition #

Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL) North Sector, in partnership with the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, in Edmonton, Alberta is seeking a qualified full-time Hematopathologist. Experience and/or interest in Flow Cytometry oversight would be an asset. The successful applicant may also be considered for appointment with the University of Alberta’s Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology.

Hematological Pathology

MED0003I9 Requisition #

The Department of Oncology, Cancer Care Alberta is accepting applications for a Radiation Oncologist position, to start by April 1, 2025, at the Jack Ady Cancer Centre (JACC), Lethbridge, Alberta. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care at the JACC and will join a team of Medical and Radiation Oncologists, Nurse Practitioners and medical support staff working in the South Zone. The JACC operates within a provincial framework for...

Radiation Oncology

MED0003RS Requisition #

Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL) is seeking qualified Pathologists with Hematopathology Fellowship or Hematopathologists. The successful candidate will join a team of 95+ laboratory physicians and scientists working mostly at acute care institutions within one of the largest groups of pathologists in Canada. Participation in a multi-site hematopathology on-call rotation is expected.

Hematological Pathology

MED0003CV Requisition #

Job Opportunity: Cancer Care Alberta, with Alberta Health Services is accepting applications for a full-time Hematologist position with expertise/training in management of lymphoma and myeloma to start as soon as possible. This position is based at the Cross Cancer Institute (CCI) in Edmonton. This position will provide malignant hematology services as part of the malignant hematology group service commitment to the patients of the Northwest Territories. The successful applicant will join a...

Medical Oncology

MED00037F Requisition #

Alberta Health Services, South Zone is currently recruiting for a full-time General / Family Medicine Physician in the community of Bow Island and at the Bow Island Health Centre. As the successful candidate you will: Establish and maintain a full-time Family Medicine practice in the community of Bow Island; a full-time practice is defined as providing clinical activities at least (5) days, forty (40) hours per week and providing commensurate shifts in keeping with other full time practice FTEs....

Rural Medicine

MED0003IH Requisition #

Alberta Health Services is seeking a Community Child Psychiatrist to provide consulting and follow-up services to the Community Mental Health Clinics in Camrose and Wetaskiwin. This position will provide face to face as well as on-going virtual support.

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

MED000043 Requisition #

Description: Alberta Health Services (AHS), Edmonton Zone invites applications for the role of Zone Clinical Department Facility Chief (ZCDFC), Cardiology - University of Alberta Hospital / Mazankowski Heart Institute (UAH/MAHI). This 0.20 FTE position governed by the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules, reports to the Zone Clinical Department Head, Cardiac Sciences and the Facility Medical Director (FMD), UAH. The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring that standards of care are.....

Medical Leader (non-clinical position)

MED0003T0 Requisition #

Description: Alberta Health Services (AHS), Edmonton Zone invites applications for the role of Zone Clinical Department Facility Chief Surgery (ZCDFC), Sturgeon Community Hospital (SCH). This 0.05 FTE position governed by the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules, reports to the Zone Clinical Department Head, Cardiac Sciences and the Facility Medical Director (FMD), Sturgeon Community Hospital. The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring that standards of care are being met in the...

Medical Leader (non-clinical position)

MED0003SZ Requisition #

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