COMMUNITY: Family Physician/General Practitioner/Medical Doctor - Santimed Family and Walk-in Clinic - Calgary

Family Medicine (Community/Primary Care)
MED0003BU Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the COMMUNITY: Family Physician/General Practitioner/Medical Doctor - Santimed Family and Walk-in Clinic - Calgary position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 619 open jobs by clicking here.


Have a current eligibility letter from CPSA ( requirements below)

Medical degree from a school listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools

Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE Part I) is a national exam offered through MCC to ensure the critical medical knowledge and clinical decision-making ability of an international medical graduate (IMG) is at the level expected of a Canadian medical school graduate. CPSA will accept the complete United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) as an equivalent to the MCCQE Part 1. We do not accept a partial USMLE.

Proof of English Language Proficiency
The IELTS Academic - completed within the 24 months before submitting their application to CPSA, achieving a minimum score of 7.0 in each of the four components in a single report.
OR The OET Medicine examination - completed within the 24 months before submitting their application to CPSA, achieving a minimum grade of B in each component in a single test.
OR The CELPIP General examination - completed within the 24 months before submitting their application to CPSA, achieving a minimum score of 9 in each component in a single test.

Currency of practice-within the last 3 years, you need to have practised independently or been a part of a continuous postgraduate training program for a minimum of 1 year in the discipline you want to enter in Alberta. Fellowship training, community service, public service, national service, Medical Officer posts and practice experience don't fulfill this requirement.

Postgraduate training requirements for your discipline. If you are pursuing Family Medicine or General Practice, you need to have completed a continuous, university-affiliated Family Medicine postgraduate training program (at least 24 months) including 4 months of community-based primary care and 8 weeks in 3 of the following: pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery and internal medicine Applicants trained outside of Canada and approved jurisdictions (see below) must list each rotation of their completed University affiliated, family medicine program (including the start and end date of each rotation) on their Review of Qualifications form. If CPSA deems the applicant eligible to move forward, this same document must be verifiable via Sharing documents on does not exclude the need to provide the rotations on the form submission. For Specialty Practice, you must have successfully completed a specialty residency in Canada or a continuous, university-affiliated discipline-specific specialty postgraduate training program of at least 48 months and equal to Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada Specialty Training Requirements and have specialist certification. Certification must be issued by a certifying body, not a training institution and/or university. As of Jan. 22, 2024, CPSA accepts the Royal College's Subspecialist Examination Affiliate Program (SEAP) credentials towards licensure.
(NOTE: Fellowship training, community service, public service, national service, house officer, medical officer posts and practice experience do not satisfy the postgraduate training requirements.)

Languages: Spanish is an asset.

Therapeutics Decision Making (TDM) exam if you are a Family Medicine physician who got their training outside of Canada. The TDM exam is the second exam offered through MCC that Family Medicine IMGs take to prove they have the right skills and training to practice in Canada. For more information about the TDM exam, to see the next test dates and to apply for the test, visit our TDM exam page. If your postgraduate training was in USA, UK, Ireland or Australia, you might not have to write the TDM exam. We suggest you first apply to the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) for certification without examination. If CFPC sends you a notice recognizing your training and you meet all the other CPSA eligibility requirements, you can go straight to Step 2-Create an account with

As of October 1, 2020, if you are a Family Medicine physician and you want to join our Provisional Register, you will need to pass the TDM exam and get sponsorship within 1 year of receiving your CPSA eligibility letter. Once you have both, your Registration Administrator will send you a letter outlining which documentation we need before you register for our Provisional Register.

A criminal record check or police certificate is required from all locations you have practised and/or trained for more than 90 days in the last 5 years. Canadian criminal record checks are nation-wide, so only 1 is required. Although we don't need it, we will accept a vulnerable sector check if it is a part of your criminal record check. In Canada, criminal record checks must be obtained through the RCMP or local police services. Any third-party or online criminal record checks (or police certificates) will not be accepted.

Patient Relations education is required under the HPA and mandatory for CPSA registration. On April 1, 2019, the Alberta government approved amendments to the Health Professions Act (HPA) to protect patients. Applicants are provided with a link to complete this training at the applicable stage.

College of Family Physicians Certification (CCFP) (preferred)
Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) (preferred)
Licensure by provincial or territorial authorities (if applicable)

Personal suitability
• Dependability
• Excellent oral communication
• Excellent written communication
• Flexibility
• Initiative
• Organized
• Team player
• Values and ethics

Community Information:

We are located in a very busy location in the North-East area of Calgary next to the Peter Lougheed Hospital. We are located near the C-train, diagnostic labs, Mayfair imaging, Sunridge Mall and CDC. Highly populated area with many communities around us.

Contact Information:

Contact Information:
Additional Information
Recruiting Organization: Community Clinic
Sponsorship Eligible: Yes

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