COMMUNITY: Physician - NuCare Medical Clinic - Calgary

Family Medicine (Community/Primary Care)
MED00034I Requisition #

This position is a COMMUNITY position and is NOT part of Alberta Health Services.


Job Description:

To work in a medical clinic/Walk-in family clinic, undergo assessment while working under supervision as sponsored candidate, qualify CPSA for license, enter into an agreement with the clinic and provide patient interaction, listen to patient's health-related issues, assess and evaluate patients at the clinic, complete notes in EMR, physical exams and screening recommendations for patient's ongoing care and follow-ups where applicable.


The candidate is an internationally trained medical graduate and requires a Preliminary Clinical Assessment and/or Supervised Practice Assessments as required by CPSA and meet other CPSA requirements to be eligible for licensure.  

Community Information:

Forest Lawn, Dover, Erinwood, Marlborough, Downtown E, Temple areas

Contact Information:

587-779-8887/Ext 500

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