Division Chief – Pediatric Dentistry

MED00036X Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the Division Chief – Pediatric Dentistry position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 619 open jobs by clicking here.

The Division Head is responsible for preparing the pediatric on-call schedule, as well as allocating resources in the division.  Consulting and defining divisional work force plans and policies is also a significant part of the leader’s role in this position.   Other responsibilities include; collaborating with Section Chief for member performance reviews, organizing regular safety review case rounds, attending dentistry and oral health leadership meetings, section meetings, ACH OR committee meetings, and pediatric surgery section meetings. Collaboration with the ACH dental clinic lead and ACH administration is of significant importance for the ongoing management and fiscal responsibilities of the ACH clinic.   


The leader selected for this position assists with reviewing and managing concerns that arise from patients and dental staff, as well as acts on PCATS out of window data pertaining to pediatric dentistry. 


The nominated candidate should strive for continuous improvement in the section and facilitate a cooperative approach to managing the zone.


The candidate must be eligible for Licensure with the Alberta Dental Association and College and member of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada (RCDC).

 Must read, write and speak English.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority.

Applicants are to submit three letters of reference and curriculum vitae (in pdf format) to Adham.Fares@albertahealthservices.ca By 1- Dec -2024.

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Requisition #: MED0003QU