General / Family Practitioner - Medicine Hat

Family Medicine (Community/Primary Care)
MED0002JJ Requisition #


Alberta Health Services, South Zone is currently recruiting for a full-time General Practitioner in the community of Medicine Hat and at the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital.

A full time practice is generally accepted as engagement in clinical duties five (5) days per week a minimum of forty (40) hours per week, and/or providing commensurate shifts in keeping with other full time practice FTEs as assigned by the medical leader responsible for the area of clinical service;

As the successful candidate you will:

  • Provide full scope multi disciplinary general practice medical services in the South Zone Clinical Department of Family Medicine, at the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital and in the community of Medicine Hat in private practice.
  • Provide inpatient and community consultations within the community of Medicine Hat.
  • Provide on-call support as per AHS's on-call schedules and expectations applicable to the South Zone Clinical Department of Family Medicine Group Coverage practices or as may otherwise be established or directed by an appropriate Medical Leader.
  • Obtain and maintain AHS Medical Staff Appointment and hospital privileges which will include provision of inpatient admission services for their patient panel, including maintenance of a call roster at the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital.

  • Establish a primary residence in the community of Medicine Hat or surrounding catchment area.

  • Abide by the AHS Medical Staff Bylaws, the Rules and AHS policies.

  • Will join and be an active member with the Primary Care Network.

  • Work collaboratively with peers and care team colleagues as a member of the Zone Clinical Department of Family Medicine at the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital in support of patient care.

  • Participate in quality improvement programs and initiatives undertaken within the Zone Clinical Department of Family Medicine at the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital and AHS in general, including (without limitation) achievement of certain performance indicators as determined by AHS, exercising its discretion reasonably.

The successful candidate may choose to operate their business by joining an existing practice or by opening their own practice. This is the candidate's independent business decision and will not be managed through the recruitment process.


Preference will be given to general practice physicians who have interest in or enhanced skill competency in the following areas: *Please include within in your CV which area(s) of need below you are most interested in supporting alongside hospital group coverage and private practice.

  • Long term care provision at AHS sites;
  • Surgical Assistance;
  • Sexual Assault Response team coverage (SART);
  • Pain management;
  • Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD);
  • GP Oncology;
  • GP Obstetrics;
  • Child & Adolescent Mental Health (Additional Training Required).

CCFP Preferred.

Must hold or be eligible to apply to the CPSA for the Provisional Register Conditional Practice as a General Practitioner or be recognized as a specialist in Family Medicine.

Preference will be given to Canadians and Permanent Residents of Canada.

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