LOCUM Family Medicine Hospital Care Team, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, 25-UAH-FAM-HCT-LOC-03

FM Hospital Medicine
MED0003UG Requisition #


Alberta Health Services is inviting applications from Family Physicians to locum for one year with the Department of Family Medicine in the Edmonton Zone as part of the Hospital Care Team based at the University of Alberta Hospital.

Edmonton Zone hospitals are affiliated with the University of Alberta, and serve as important training facilities for residents and students.  The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry has been internationally recognized as among the world’s top 50 medical schools and as one of Canada’s premier health-education institutions.

The University of Alberta Hospital (UAH) is located on the southern boundary of the University of Alberta Campus in central Edmonton. The UAH Family Medicine Program serves individuals with acute, severe and complex health issues. The inpatient Family Medicine Program offers treatment by an interdisciplinary health care team consisting of nurses and Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Assistants, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists, Dieticians, Social Workers, and Pharmacists. The team works closely with Psychiatrists, Geriatricians, Emergency Physicians, Surgeons and Internal Medicine generalists and subspecialists. The Family Medicine Health Care Team (HCT) also maintains contact with community practitioners carefully protecting continuity between acute care and community care. Participation in the acute care HCT on-call roster is an expectation for the position.

Interested, qualified persons should submit their curriculum vitae and the names of three references on the Dr.Jobs website. Applications meeting the requirements outlined in this notice will be forwarded to the Search and Select Committee and will begin being reviewed immediately. The competition will remain open until the position is filled. 

Details about the University of Alberta, the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry and the Department of Emergency Medicine, can be found on the Faculty’s Home Page at www.med.ualberta.ca.  Details about Alberta Health Services and the City of Edmonton can be found at www.albertahealthservices.ca and www.edmonton.ca.

Successful Candidates will have a functional knowledge of resources and challenges in Alberta’s primary health care system. This knowledge will be supported by the candidate having completed a two year Family Medicine Residency and by ongoing community primary care experience.

We are particularly interested in candidates who have superior interpersonal skills with a demonstrated commitment to teamwork and peer relationships. The successful candidate should be committed to fulfilling clinical and non-clinical duties as a representative of Family Medicine.

The successful candidate must be eligible for certification with the College of Family Physicians and of Canada and for medical licensure in the province of Alberta. Successful applicants will be expected to apply for a Clinical Academic appointment with the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Family Medicine.

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