Zone Clinical Section Chief (ZCSC), Radiation Oncology, 0324CCA80070023

Medical Leader (non-clinical position)
MED0002PA Requisition #
Thanks for your interest in the Zone Clinical Section Chief (ZCSC), Radiation Oncology, 0324CCA80070023 position. Unfortunately this position has been closed but you can search our 637 open jobs by clicking here.


The ideal candidate will have demonstrated exceptional abilities in communication, conflict resolution and a passion for change management. They will be an exceptional, experienced and visionary leader with credentials in both medical leadership and clinical practice and be considered a strong clinician by peers.


Qualifications include a MD, certification in Internal Medicine and special competency in Radiation Oncology, a demonstrated record of academic success, proven administrative skill sets and leadership experience in a complex academic and clinical environment. All applicants must be eligible for licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the Province of Alberta prior to applying.

Please submit a curriculum vitae and a statement of career goals together with the names of three referees by email to the following leaders:


Dr. Helen Steed MD, FRCPC

Facility Medical Director, Cross Cancer Institute, AHS

Department Head, Clinical Department of Oncology, Edmonton Zone, AHS

Associate Senior Medical Director, Cancer Care Alberta, AHS


Dr. Frank Wuest, PhD / Dr. rer. nat. habil.

Professor and Chair, Department of Oncology

The Dianne and Irving Kipnes Chair in

Radiopharmaceutical Sciences

Department of Oncology

University of Alberta


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