Section Chief – Acute Care Community Primary Care – Calgary Zone

Medical Leader (non-clinical position)
MED00033G Requisition #


The Acute Care Community Primary Care Section Chief will provide leadership and support to family physicians who hold privileges within the Community Primary Care Section of Department of Family Medicine in the Calgary Zone.  These physicians will have privileges within Alberta Health Services (AHS) facilities such as Day Medicine, Specialized Outpatient Clinics such as Academic Family Medicine Clinics, Chronic Pain Centre, Eating Disorders Clinic, or Sexual Reproductive Health Clinics, Medical Assistance in Dying, and Calgary Acute Care facilities providing surgical assisting or clinical associate/extender services with the Department of Surgery, Critical Care, and/or Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Accountabilities include:
1.    Oversee the credentialing and privileging processes as required by the Medical Bylaws and Medical Affairs, Calgary Zone, such as Periodic Reviews and Annual Information Verification & Attestation (AIVAs).
2.    Investigate and respond to patient concerns and other issues related to quality and safety of patient care.
3.    To participate as an AHS member in Acute Care Zonal Primary Care initiatives.
4.    Strategic Planning and Evaluation-in collaboration with operational colleagues, guide the development, implementation and evaluation of AHS strategic and operational plans.
5.    Engaged in Section communication, engagement, and Continuing Medical Education planning opportunities.
6.    Maintain a structure for medical staff communication and engagement.
7.    Collaborate with acute care services to ensure 24/7 patient care in areas where this coverage/care is not otherwise provided. 

Collaborative Relationships
1.    Community Primary Care Section Chief 
2.    Community agencies and AHS Clinical Departments as appropriate

Core Committee Membership
1.    Department of Family Medicine Executive Committee 
2.    Others as determined by Department needs
Alberta Health Services committees as required (Day Medicine, Acute Care Coverage, etc.)

The Community Section is the largest section for physicians in the Department of Family Medicine overseeing roughly 180 family physicians with an active medical staff appointment and clinical privileges within AHS facilities. This leadership position is unique in that there are no site leads in any of the acute care facilities. The Section Chief provides essential leadership and direction to the members of the section, ensuring members adherence to set standards, policies, and clinical work competencies and AHS bylaws. This is accomplished through completing regular periodic reviews of the members within the community section.

We’re passionate about what we do. Our team of skilled and dedicated health care professionals, support staff, and physicians promote wellness and provide health care every day, across the Calgary Zone.  We are an equal opportunity employer. AHS values the diversity of the people and communities we serve and is committed to attracting, engaging, and developing a diverse and inclusive workforce.


Qualified physicians will have completed the conjoint Family Medicine residency or equivalent education or will have acquired several years of experience as a family physician, and will be eligible for a Medical Staff appointment with Alberta Health Services, Calgary Zone.

The ideal candidate will have:
· Be at least 5 years in practice and currently practicing Family Medicine
· Hold or to soon hold active privileges within the Section of Community Primary Care in an area such as 
  Day Medicine or Surgical Assisting in addition to practicing Community Primary Care
· Be a member of the College of Family Physicians of Alberta
· Current licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)
· Have demonstrated abilities in communication, conflict resolution, analytics, strategic 
  thinking/influence and a passion for quality and patient care
· Demonstrated leadership skills with the ability to effectively develop and lead teams
· Demonstrated successful interpersonal and communication skills
· Proven organizational skills
· Knowledge of Calgary Zone–AHS structure, governance, clinical and operational departments
· An interest in research or education or leadership in Community Primary Care would be an asset

The candidate must be eligible for Licensure with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.
Must read, write, and speak English.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and Permanent Residents will be given priority.

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