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22 results
Description The Department of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric Hospital Medicine (PHM), is seeking a short-term locum Pediatrician to join our Section of clinical and academic colleagues from April 1, 2025 until December 31, 2025. This position will support clinical service gaps primarily related to admitting and caring for our Complex Care Program patients within our PHM on service. The work model includes both inpatient and outpatient care. And will be primarily Monday to Friday during the...
General Pediatrics
MED0003QK Requisition #
Description: Alberta Health Services (AHS), Edmonton Zone invites applications for the role of Zone Clinical Department Facility Chief Surgery (ZCDFC), Sturgeon Community Hospital (SCH). This 0.05 FTE position governed by the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules, reports to the Zone Clinical Department Head, Cardiac Sciences and the Facility Medical Director (FMD), Sturgeon Community Hospital. The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring that standards of care are being met in the...
Medical Leader (non-clinical position)
MED0003SZ Requisition #
Description: Alberta Health Services (AHS), Edmonton Zone invites applications for the role of Zone Clinical Department Facility Chief (ZCDFC), Cardiology - University of Alberta Hospital / Mazankowski Heart Institute (UAH/MAHI). This 0.20 FTE position governed by the Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules, reports to the Zone Clinical Department Head, Cardiac Sciences and the Facility Medical Director (FMD), UAH. The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring that standards of care are.....
Medical Leader (non-clinical position)
MED0003T0 Requisition #
The Department of Pediatrics, Section of Respirology is seeking a 1.0 FTE position to cover a one-year leave, starting April 2025. This role will consist of 80% clinical time and 20% education time.
MED0003SY Requisition #
Covenant Health, in partnership with Alberta Health Services and the University of Alberta, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Department of Medicine, are inviting applications for a General Internist to join a dynamic medical team at the Misericordia Community Hospital. In collaboration with their colleagues, the successful candidate will deliver inpatient care and outpatient consultation services to hospital patients. The position will participate in the program’s on-call inpatient...
General Internal Medicine (GIM)
MED0003SX Requisition #
This position is a COMMUNITY position and is NOT part of Alberta Health Services. Job Description: We have three (3) exciting openings for Family Physicians/General Practictioners and/or Specialist Physicians to join our brand-new modern clinic. We have a dedicated and well-trained staff to help our physicians. Our focus is to provide exceptional patient-centred care to all of our patients." International Medical Graduates, new graduates, those seeking locum opportunities are welcome to apply....
Family Medicine (Community/Primary Care)
MED0003BU Requisition #
Description: The responsibilities of the Site Medical Lead – Bow Crest/Mount Royal/McKenzie Towne LTC includes: Be responsible to Alberta Health Services and the Department of Family Medicine through the Medical Director of Integrated Facility Living and Section Chief, Seniors Care for the administration of site medical staff, and for the implementation of AHS Calgary Zone policies and guidelines as deemed appropriate by the Medical Director. Be responsible for the assessment of...
Medical Leader (non-clinical position)
MED0003SV Requisition #
Covenant Health in partnership with Recovery Alberta and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta, invites applications for an Adult Psychiatrist to be based primarily at the Grey Nuns Community Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. Covenant Health is committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. The principles of equity and diversity are applied in the creation of the search and select committee, and all members of the search and selection team will have...
MED0003SW Requisition #
Alberta Health Services, South Zone, is actively recruiting a Family Medicine Physician with enhanced General and Obstetrical Surgical Skills to establish a full-time practice, in the community of Taber and at the Taber Health Centre. As the successful candidate you will: provide clinical services at least (5) days per week, with a minimum of forty (40) hours per week and/or providing commensurate shifts in keeping with other full time practice FTEs as assigned by the medical leader...
Family Medicine (Community/Primary Care)
MED0003SM Requisition #
This position is a COMMUNITY position and is NOT part of Alberta Health Services. Job Description: Full scope community family practice: Examine patients and take their histories, order laboratory tests, X-rays and other diagnostic procedures and consult with other medical practitioners to evaluate patients' physical and mental health Provide care to patients of all ages. Prescribe and administer medications and treatments Provide acute care management Vaccinate patients to prevent and treat....
Family Medicine (Community/Primary Care)
MED0002ZC Requisition #